Tuesday 27 October 2015

Real SFX make-up company

Real SFX specialise in make-up, pyrotechnics and atmospherics. They are best known for their work on Doctor Who, Sherlock and Casualty. 

They have won awards for:
BAFTA Cymru 
For their work on Doctor Who. 

Apprenticeship Award for Small Employee of the Year for their Apprenticeship Scheme. 

Cardiff Life Award for being the best creative company in Cardiff. 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Top Makeup and Wigs from TV/Film...

My top 5 Make-up looks are...

Freddy Krueger (Played by Robert Englund) from A Nightmare on Elm Street. The realistic burns created by David B. Miller made me fear falling asleep after seeing this film at the tender age of 8 years old.

(Aileen Left, Charlize as Aileen Centre and Charlize Right)
Aileen Wuornos (Played by Charlize Theron) from Monster. It's hard to believe the transformation of Charlize into Aileen, not only is it one of my favourite realistic transformation but the film itself is one of my favourites the make-up was created by Toni G with help from Art Sakamoto to create Aileen Wuornos famous teeth.

Regan (Played by Linda Blair) from The Exorcist. I have seen this film too many times to count and it still freaks me out and it's down to the make-up, as Regan's "demontic state" progresses the make-up becomes more intense, all created by Dick Smith and his assistant at that time Rick Baker.

The Sawyer Family from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. What a charming family photo...reminds me of The Breakfast Club. The make-up was created by Tom Savini and he really did make this family look completely crazy, wouldn't want to be invited to their house for a cup of tea.

The Grinch (Played by Jim Carrey) from The Grinch. A film that melts my heart ever Christmas time, but seriously the make-up for The Grinch is fantastic and it was created by Rick Baker (yes, the assistant make-up artist for the film The Exorcist!)

Top 3 uses of wigs for TV/Film

Considering the fact Corey Stoll is bald, his wig looks great in The Strain which makes him look younger.

Jessica Lange's wig is so stiff which is perfect for her role of Elsa Mars on American Horror Story: Freakshow.

Pretty sure I had a haircut similar to David Bowie's wig in the Labyrinth, I mean honestly what a look!